Reseller hosting is a form of web hosting that gives you the ability to use your allotted hard drive space and bandwidth to host websites on behalf of third parties. You simply purchase our services in wholesale and then you may sell them to your customers, possibly for a profit.
A reseller account is ideal for you if you own a lot of hosting accounts and would like to control the resources allocated to each account or if you would like to start a hosting company of your own without spending too much.
Can I upgrade my reseller account?
Yes, you can. Login to your client account. Click on the menu button beside "Hosting and...
What is a package
Packages are a set of limited resources that a domain or user has access to. A package must exist...
I now have a reseller account. What next?
There are so many things you can do next, but the best approach would be to plan how your...
How many hosting accounts can I create?
You may create as many hosting accounts as you choose to. You are only limited by the disk space...