Packages are a set of limited resources that a domain or user has access to. A package must exist before an account can be created. A package can be assigned to multiple users or domains. The allocated resource to a package determines the total number of cpanel accounts that can be created.


Resources that can be limited for a package

  • Disk Quota (MB) - This is the disk space in megabytes available for the cPanel account.
  • Monthly Bandwidth (MB) - This is the data transfer in megabytes available for the cPanel account.
  • Max FTP Accounts - TThis is the maximum number of accounts that can be created to connect via FTP.
  • Max Email Accounts - This is the total email addresses that can be created on the account.
  • Max Email Lists - This is the maximum set number of mailing lists that can be generated in the cPanel.
  • Max Databases - This is the maximum MySQL database the account can be created in.
  • Max SubDomains - The allowed number of subdomains that can be added.
  • Max Parked Domains - Total parked domains which can be created.
  • Max Addon Domains - Total additional domains that can be added to the cPanel.


Creating Multiple Packages

As a reseller, creating multiple packages will give your customers more options to choose from and the flexibility to upgrade once they have maxed out the allocated resource on their current package. However, the total quota should not exceed the quota of the Reseller plan.


Click this link, for how to create a package

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