Viewing articles tagged 'Finxhost SSL Certificate Installation'

Can I backup multiple websites?

Yes, you can! Multiple websites can be backed up with CodeGuard but you must ensure that the size...

Can I enable CloudFlare on a wildcard (*) sub-domain?

No, for security reasons, CloudFlare does not proxy traffic to a wildcard sub-domain. You have to...

Do you provide cPanel on Cloud Hosting?

Yes, we do but at an additional cost. You may Contact our support team for more information

How do I safely power cycle (reboot) my server?

Login to your server as root and execute the "power off" or "shutdown -h now" command. This will...

Is CloudFlare compatible with a website with SSL?

Yes, a site with SSL can use CloudFlare, however there is an extra step. If the SSL is on its own...

Isn't Finxhost weekly backup sufficient?

No, it isn't. The backups we keep are overwritten weekly. If your site is compromised, there is a...

What are your name servers?

What do I get from the consultation?

When you schedule a consultation call with our expert, you get to understand the best marketing...

What does the orange and the grey cloud means in the CloudFlare section of my cPanel?

An orange cloud means that your web traffic will pass through the CloudFlare system (Enabled).A...

What is CloudFlare?

CloudFlare is a performance and security service that we provide to our customers. It blocks bad...

What is CodeGuard?

CodeGuard is a service that provides an automatic website and database backup solution. It...

What is Digital Marketing?

If you are wondering what digital marketing is… it is advertising delivered through digital...

What processor models does Cloud Hosting run on?

We use server-grade Intel Hexcore processors. To view the clock speed and other details of the...

What types of database are supported for backup?

CodeGuard is compatible with MySQL and MS-SQL databases.

What types of websites are supported?

CodeGuard works the same way regardless of the type of website or platform you use! It is...

What types of websites can use CloudFlare?

Almost all websites can use CloudFlare. CloudFlare works for both static and dynamic...

When I add a website, how do I change what files are backed up?

When you add a website, new files or directories added to your site will automatically be backed...

Why is my subdomain not working?

 The general cause of a subdomain on Cloudflare not working on a site is that you haven't added...